Scaling up Efforts with Repurposed Content

So when you are new to affiliate marketing you probably hear a lot of people say that once you are doing something right you just need to scale up your efforts. What exactly does that mean and how can you do it? Basically when somebody in affiliate marketing wants to scale something up that means they want to take something that is working and do it on a wider and broader scale so that more people see…

Selling Vs Preselling for Affiliates

When you are in affiliate marketer is very important to know the difference between selling versus pre-selling. Affiliate marketers should be doing pre-selling. The vendor or company selling the product should be doing the selling. Pre-selling, if done correctly can increase conversions astronomically. Consider these three scenarios: 1) If you were on my list and I were to send you an e-mail saying “check this out” and giving you a link. How likely do you think you…

The Difference Between a Buying Keyword and A Browsing Keyword and Why It Matters

When you are trying to promote products online in the hopes of them selling in you getting a commission knowing the difference between a sales keyword browsing keyword is very important. Here’s why: When you are creating a website or a group of webpages that all have one main purpose you will be focusing on certain keywords. You want to know exactly what people are searching for before you start creating pages. This is what I mean…

Using Email Marketing to Make More Money

Many people rely solely on organic search engine traffic to operate their business. This is the easiest way in the beginning but it is definitely not the smartest. As soon as you can you should be looking into creating an e-mail list. You want a list of people who are interested in the market that you are in. You want to send them great information periodically, like once a week so they don’t forget who you are…

Using Your Statistics to Strike Gold

When you are getting started in affiliate marketing it can be hard to know what to write about or what to create content about next. This is where having some knowledge about the keywords that people are coming into your site from is very valuable. If you do not already have a statistics program up on your website then now is the time. Most free sites and revenue share sites will offer statistics so you just need…